Michael Boswell

Michael Boswell, Age 73

Having attended Welwyn Garden City Grammar School (now Stanborough School), I went on to read Mechanical Engineering at the University of Liverpool. I entered the automotive industry, getting involved in test and development of chassis systems.

 I worked for several companies over the years including Lotus, Jaguar and Bentley. I spent a few years as a freelance writer on engineering and manufacturing.  I currently edit my local Parish News with help from the other editorial committee members. I also volunteer in local activities.

In 2010 I lost about 60% vision in my left eye due to Optic Neuropathy and four years later lost 40% vision in my right eye. The combined effect left me unable to drive, or safely ride a bicycle and unable to read without powerful aids. I also cannot recognise faces so do not always know who is greeting me in the street!

Although I had littler interest in the arts in my early life, I grew more and more attracted to all forms of art in later life, hence, with my visual impairment, my interest in “Windows of the Soul.

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