Rosie Ash
Rosie Ash is currently studying Sound Design at Royal College of Art. Whilst studying, some of her works made in collaboration with the Compass Collective have been exhibited at ‘Late at the Tate’s’ online showcase; in an online sharing of a short film for Refugee Week supported by Migrant Arts; and played live as part of a performance at the Southwark Playhouse. Independently, her previous work made with the Say It Loud Club was commissioned and exhibited by Usurp Arts.
Whilst attending the Royal College of Art, Rosie has continued releasing music as an independent artist. Her latest release ‘sit and smile’ has been featured by BBC Introducing Northampton. Previously, her music has displayed at the Tate Britain as part of Wired4music’s London Takeover.
Rosie harnesses the affective power of sound to amplify the voices of refugee and migrant communities. Her work celebrates their strength and ability to continually evolve in spite of the legal rationales that force them into ever more unstable spaces.
Anna-Rose has produced soundbites in collaboration with other team-members as they describe their experiences of visual impairment and the inspiration for their artwork.
“I’m excited to have new conversations about the importance and artistic capability of sound, and hear from people with visual impairment about their unique experience of the world. I don’t think there is enough art or education about the huge diversity of ways in which people encounter the world, and the unexpected conversations this can bring about.”
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